Sunday, December 29, 2013

Questions to consider before getting a dog

Should I Get a Dog?

The responsibility of ownership should be a commitment for the entire life of the dog.  Before obtaining any dog, here are some good questions to ask yourself:
Do I have time for a dog?  Dogs are social animals that require time.  You will need time to bathe, feed, clean up after, train, walk, groom, and just keep your dog company.  Dogs (of all sizes) do best indoors as part of the family.  You should plan to spend at least a couple of hours a day with your dog.  Very busy households might want to consider getting a second dog to keep the first one company (but remember that both dogs will need feeding, walking, training, etc.) 
Does everyone in my household want a dog?  Taking care of the dog should not be left to one person.  It is in the dog’s best interest if everyone wants the dog. All members of the family should be willing to participate in its training and care as a shared responsibility.  Children and even teenagers often beg for a dog, promise to take care of it, and then lose interest after a few weeks or months.  Parents should be realistic in their expectations.  They need to be willing to monitor and supervise the children’s efforts and to pitch in, or even to take over responsibility, as needed.  Speaking of children, the children should be old enough and mature enough to behave responsibly around a dog.  Some experts suggest your children be at least six years of age before introducing a dog to the household, but this is not a hard and fast rule.  The younger and less mature the children are, the more supervision and management will be required on the part of the parents to make the new living arrangements successful.
            Can I afford a dog?   Routine costs for a dog, like food and vaccinations, can run $500 or more the first year.  This does not including the costs of treats, toys, a bed, professional training classes, etc.  You should price out the monthly costs of heartworm preventatives, flea and tick preventatives, etc., before you make a commitment.  If searching for a purebred, you should research illnesses and genetic defects common to the breed, and feel you can afford to treat these if necessary.
            Do I have space for a dog?  If you are renting, does your landlord allow pets?  Be sure to get permission in writing before making any commitments to an animal.  There may be limitations due to size, weight, breed, or type of pet.  Those who live in condominiums or certain planned developments may also face contractual restrictions regarding their pets.
            If you are a homeowner, check to see if your homeowner’s insurance restricts the breeds of dogs it will cover. Unfortunately, there are liability considerations should your dog ever bite someone, and you will want your insurance to cover them. 
            If you have a fenced-in yard, great!  If not, and you can afford one, you should consider fencing in a sizeable portion of your yard for your dog.  A sturdy, 6-foot privacy fence may be your best bet, especially if you live close to a high-traffic area.  A privacy fence reduces the dog’s ability to see the sights and sounds outside the yard and can reduce unwanted behavior like barking or growling.  Consider extending your fence underground; this will cost more money, but some dogs are inveterate diggers, and the money spent now could save you hassles and heartache later. 
There are homeowners who use underground electric fencing systems, but these are neither safe nor humane.  These fences confine your dog by delivering electrical shocks whenever he approaches the (unfenced) boundaries of your property.  One problem with them is that any training methods that cause intimidation or pain my lead to unwanted fear or aggression problems.  Another problem is that even if they are effective at containing your dog on your property, they do not keep out humans or animals that may mean your pet harm.  A traditional fence may cost more but is well worth the extra expense. 
            Do I realize dogs should never be left for long periods tethered (tied up) outside?  They will be miserable and can also easily become territorial and aggressive.  Chaining or tethering a dog for long periods of time is illegal in some communities, and for good reason.  I recently met a Rottweiler-mix, for example, that killed and ate a Chihuahua that had wandered into the part of the yard where she was chained up.  The owners surrendered her because they have become afraid that their own children might be next. Chaining a dog is a recipe for disaster. A trolley-arrangement, where the dog can run back and forth between two objects on his tether, is preferable to a stationery arrangement, but barely.  If you must keep the dog outside for some reason, such as allergies, and you cannot afford a full fence, a smaller, fenced-in, appropriately-sized kennel run or pen with adequate food, water, cleaning, attention, exercise/walks, training, and shade provided is preferable to life on a chain or tether.  You also need to provide a properly-sized dog-house (and plan to stuff it with clean hay or straw in the winter as well as a flap to keep out the elements).  The best, safest, most humane place for a dog is as a beloved family member that spends much of his time indoors with the family. They are pack and den animals and want to spend their time with you! If you need help bringing an outside animal inside, enlist the help of a professional trainer with a good reputation.

Remember:  A dog-house does not provide shade!  It becomes dangerously hot in full sun.

Do I have realistic expectations regarding dog behavior?  Dogs in real life are not like Lassie or other dogs you see on television.  They are animals:  left to their own devices they will chew up the house, bark and growl, beg, go potty on your nice carpet, shed, knock down young children or frail seniors, tip the trash, and even bite.  They have needs, including the need for attention, training, toys, and exercise.  These needs must be met for any canine to fit into a human household and to be well-adjusted and happy.  Good details about the differences between canine and human thinking can be read in an excellent book called The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson. 
Am I willing to train and walk a dog?  Dogs are intelligent animals.  If you do not train your dog, you will see more of the negative behaviors listed above.  Training a dog using the methods on this website need not be time-consuming.  It will even be fun for you and your dog.  But you should set aside time (at least 15 minutes twice a day) for training.  You should also walk your dog daily even if you have a fenced-in yard.  Dogs like and need the new sights and smells they encounter during walks and other outings, and the exercise will be good for you, too!  Those who are very pressed for time can incorporate training into the daily walk, particularly on the way home when the dog is less excited and more likely to be attentive.
Do I have health or other considerations?  Heartbreaking as it is, animals are often surrendered at shelters due to allergies or even moving.  If anyone in your family suffers from allergies, it might be a good idea to spend some time in the homes of various friends who have dogs to make sure that they do not trigger sneezing, wheezing, or other symptoms.  Keep animals out of the bedrooms if you are allergic, as well.  Consult with your allergist before bringing home a pet.  If your job or other circumstances force you to move frequently, carefully consider how your pet figures into your plans.  There is a special section about moving at the end of this book as well as references to online resources.
Do I know the dog laws in my community?  Some communities require special tags or licenses.  Others restrict certain breeds or limit the number of dogs any household can have.  There may be leash laws or even laws that prevent chaining or tethering your dog outside.  Get to know the local laws and plan to follow them to the letter (if there are unfair breed restrictions, contact a major organization for that breed to find out what can be done about it).  Your local public animal shelter, animal control officers, or sheriff’s/ police department should be able to provide this sort of information.

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