Sunday, December 29, 2013

Useful behaviors to train: Sit, down, and stand


Sit has been described under capturing behaviors, above.  It is a critical skill.  You can ask the dog to sit to greet people nicely instead of jumping up (this is called training an incompatible behavior, since the Fido can’t sit and jump at the same time).  Quick, obedient sit-stays and down-stays can save your dog’s life if he gets off-leash and heads for the highway.  It is even more valuable than a good recall, because he may already have crossed the highway, and you may need to tell him to stay where he is!

Remember you can capture a down or lure a dog down from a sit, first with treats, then with your hand, which you can gradually turn into a hand-signal.  Be sure to use the word “down” consistently.  Some people use “down” when they want the dog to lie down, and others use “down” when they want them off of guests or the furniture.  These are two different actions!  I use “down” for “lie down” and “off” for “get off of that!”  Pick whatever words you want but make them consistent for the dog’s sake. 


This seems like a silly thing to teach your dog until you try to groom him or hold him still for a veterinary exam.  It is actually quite useful!

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