Sunday, December 29, 2013

Dogs that dig (and dig and dig and dig!)

Consider your dog’s reasons for digging.  Most dogs dig, but some breeds are more prone to it than others.  Some dig due to their genetic hard-wiring, others due to boredom, others are digging cool pits in the earth to stay cool when it’s hot out, others are hunting prey, etc.  Punishment does not work because you are unlikely to be around to catch Fido every time he digs.  Some ideas:
  1. Manage Fido.  Only let him out in the yard when you are there to supervise.  Keep him on-leash.  Leave him crated or in the house at other times.  Or build a shaded pen where he is allowed to dig, or one with a concrete floor if he is not.
  2. Build Fido a digging pit.  Ideally this is a 6’x6’ pit lined at the top with boards to help Fido visualize where he is allowed to dig.  Make it the most fun place in the universe to dig by keeping the soil there loose and hiding toys and treats there for him to find.  Go out to the pit and teach him to dig in it (dig with him).  Whenever you find him digging elsewhere in the yard, interrupt him (Aaah!) and gently redirect him to his pit.
  3. If the dog is digging after vermin, you need to either rid the vermin yourself or confine and carefully supervise the dog.  I personally figure Aqua is doing me a favor if she occasionally digs up and kills a mole, but you need to decide what you can live with.

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